The mission of Summer Camp Scholarships is to introduce Washtenaw County’s most vulnerable 4th and 5th graders to overnight camp, a setting which is designed to develop resilient, respectful, and responsible young adults.
A full scholarship to camp is just a start for our families and children. The cost of secondary outlays can be overwhelming for a family living from paycheck to paycheck. SCS assists every step of the way because the cost of essential camp gear such as a sleeping bag and duffel, and enough clothes for one or two weeks, can be a deal-breaker. We choose camps which are less than an hour away, or have bus pick-ups which are less than an hour away, because many of our families have limited funds for gas or their cars are reliable only for short distances.
Overnight camp can be transformative for youngsters who are lucky enough to attend, so we make sure that the boys and girls we invite make the most of their experience. We look for camps which have a racially, ethnically and economically diverse population, and carefully selected and thoroughly trained counselors. And our partnering camps, listed below, contribute up to 50% of the fee.
- YMCA Camp Copneconic, in Fenton
- YMCA Camp Ohiyesa, in Holly
- YMCA Camp Nissokone, in Napoleon
- Camp Wonder at Howell Nature Center
We begin the season in March by holding assemblies where we distribute registration forms, talk about camp, answer questions, and invite 5th graders to speak who went to camp the previous year. After the youngsters are registered, we send them a packet with their camp assignment, the days they’re attending, and the camp paperwork. Then we call on our volunteer liaisons to make sure no child falls through the cracks. Each liaison is responsible for 4 or 5 families. By phone, they:
- Answer questions about camp, help with camp paperwork, and remind families of deadlines.
- Offer sleeping bags and duffels to all 4th graders, and to 5th graders whose parents request them. Local businesses generously donate often-forgotten items like flashlights, ponchos, water bottles and baseball caps. SCS deposits a small amount in each youngster’s camp bank account.
- Extend help for the cost of camp clothes, if requested. SCS mails a $16 gift card from Value World to 1-week campers and a $32 card to 2-week campers. And Value World gives our families an additional 30% discount on their purchases. SCS delivers the bags and duffels to schools and the school social workers distribute them.
- Organize transportation to and from camp. Liaisons arrange a car pool for campers who need a ride, and SCS board members take children to camp if a car pool can’t be arranged.
While learning from trained counselors who support their social and emotional development, youngsters develop independence, friendship skills, and self-confidence. They also have the chance to try zip lining, wall climbing, horseback riding, archery, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, hiking, fishing and more!
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